The Daily Journal from Flat River, Missouri (2024)

4 DAILY JOURNAL ONLINE AT WWW.DAILYJOURNALONLINE.COM ADVICE DEAR ABBY: Wouldn't it make sense if grade school teachers set aside time, weekly or monthly, to go over some very generic information that kids need to learn? I'm talking about things like how important it is to have pets neutered and why, how to manage money, and show them what the average dad earns and what it costs to run a household and support a family. It might help kids to grow up understanding that money isn't free and Dear get them past the "gimmes." There are so many topics that ought to be introduced to youngsters at an early age how to groom themselves properly, be exposed to a variety of music genres, teach them how grandparents can use help even from small children. They could be taught to be aware of their surroundings, to realize that foul language isn't an attribute and why it's important to be pleasant. There are so many topics. Ten minutes a week on different topics would suffice.

Why not? CHAPLIN, READER DEAR READER: Why not? Because teachers are so overwhelmed trying to get their students to learn enough basic curriculum to pass the state mandated matches the colors in our game room tests that they don't have time! perfectly. My wife said, "You can't Reading your letter I couldn't bring hotel furniture into the house. help but wonder whose children Yuck!" you are describing. All of My logic is this; Why can't our the topics you mentioned kids sleep on a hotel bed in our house are things children should if our other houseguests are using learn from their parents. the kids' rooms? We would use our Where are those parents? clean sheets, and they sleep on the AWOL? sofa beds in the hotels we stay in.

My DEAR ABBY: I have wife will sleep in a hotel bed that 100 just started back into the percent of the guests sleep in, but dating scene after my she doesn't want a bug -free sofa bed divorce and being single that about 5 percent of hotel guests Advice for five years. I had a have used in our home for occasional vasectomy when I was use. Am I cheap, or am I married to a married, and I'm wonder- clean freak? Abby WHO'S BEEN ing at what point I should SLEEPING IN MY BED? tell prospective dates this informa- DEAR WHO'S BEEN SLEEPtion. SNIPPED IN ONTARIO, ING: Not knowing you better, I CANADA can't say whether or not you're DEAR SNIPPED: Raise the cheap. But your wife should know subject as soon as a woman men- that many people buy used hotel tions the idea of wanting children.

furniture, and selling it is big busiIt should certainly be discussed ness. The sofa bed could be cleaned before you have sex. and sanitized and the mattress P.S. Because vasectomies have replaced. (Inquire about it at any been known to fail, and won't pre- furniture store that sells sofa beds.) vent someone from picking up an But don't push your wife into taking STD, you should always make sure it or the person who winds up you and your partner are protected sleeping on it could be you.

by using a condom. DEAR ABBY: Several years ago Dear Abby is written by Abigail we bought a used sofa at a garage Van Buren, also known as Jeanne sale. It is now falling apart. A friend Phillips, and was founded by her of mine in the hotel business offered mother, Pauline Phillips. Write Dear me an almost new sofa bed from a Abby at or P.O.

room that was being redecorated. It Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. DEAR DOCTOR Why do we need to sleep, and Studying electrical signals given off by the brain (brain what happens in our bodies while we sleep? waves) and signals by our muscles has allowed us to know DEAR READER: The honest answer is that we don't that there are two major types of sleep: rapid eye moveknow why it is we sleep. We spend about a third of our ment (REM) sleep or dreaming sleep, and non -REM or lives doing it, so nature must have a reason for it. But it's quiet sleep.

During the night, you move between different hard to ask nature questions or, at least, to sleep stages in a fairly predictable pattern, alterget an answer. nating between REM and non- -REM sleep. One possible reason for sleep is obvious: Our During deepest sleep, which is non-REM muscles may need the rest. However, the heart sleep, hormones are released that stimulate tisis a muscle, and it doesn't rest while we sleep, sue growth and muscle repair. And your immune thank goodness.

And like our heart, many of system becomes primed to defend itself against our other organs, such as the liver and kidneys, infection. keep working. Dreaming occurs during REM sleep. Your Maybe our brains need rest? I doubt that. We eyes dart back and forth rapidly behind closed can see from studying brain waves that the lids.

Your body temperature rises. Your blood brain is active while we sleep, although it has Advice pressure increases. Your heart rate and breathing very different brain wave patterns during sleep Dr. Komaroff speed up to daytime levels. And yet your body than during wakefulness.

hardly moves, except for intermittent twitches. The one thing we all know that our brain A person enters REM sleep about every 90 mindoes while we are asleep, and only then, is to dream. utes, or three to five times a night. Sigmund Freud thought that we needed to dream in order We have more information about sleep in our Special to deal with hidden conflicts, desires, fears and other psy- Health Report, "Improving Sleep." (Learn more about this chological issues. He thought we needed to sleep because report at, or call 877-649-9457 tollwe needed to dream.

free to order it.) Today, many psychiatrists doubt that we need to So 1 didn't really answer your question. That's because dream for those reasons. In the past 10 years, scientists I don't know exactly why we sleep, nor does anyone else. here at Harvard I Medical School and elsewhere have pub- But we do know that it's important for the health of our lished a great deal of evidence that dreaming (and, hence, brain and also the health of our body. sleeping) is important in memory and learning.

That makes sense to me. You'd think we'd need some time, Dr. Komaroff is a physician and professor at Harvard without distractions, to sort through and to organize the Medical School. To send questions, go to, new information that entered our brains that day. Sleep or write: Ask Doctor 10 Shattuck Second Floor, would be a good time for doing that.

Boston, MA 02115. Frugal Living Dear Abby Dr. REMOVE WAX FROM PRODUCE Dear Sara: I try to keep the skins on my produce instead of peeling it, since the skin is good for you. But I would like to eat my produce, especially cucumbers and apples, without the shiny, waxy skin. So, how do you remove wax from produce? Shoiji, forums Dear Shoiji: To remove wax from your produce, wash it and use a vegetable brush.

You can buy wash or make your own by adding a tablespoon of lemon juice and a tablespoon of baking soda in a large bowl of water or a clean sink. Scrub with the veggie brush (a new nail brush or baby bottle brush will work if you can't find a vegetable brush) and rinse well. Here are a few homemade solutions submitted by a fellow reader: Homemade wash: I have six washes that I use, depending on what I already have at home. I use them to clean my kitchen counters or to pre- soak my dirty dishes, too. white vinegar, 1 tablespoon baking 1.

Squeeze some dishwashing liq- soda and 1 tablespoon lemon juice in uid into a spray bottle. Add water. a spray bottle. Spray produce and Shake to combine. Spray fruit, use a rinse.

Annie California vegetable brush to scrub Dear Sara: Sticky and rinse produce well. You cooking spray was sprayed can soak produce in it, too. into my oven. How can I 2. Use a solution of remove it? Carol, Florida vinegar and water to create Dear Carol: Oven a wash for produce to soak cleaner will work to remove in.

Rinse after letting soak cooking spray from your for 10 minutes. oven. If you'd rather not 3. Use two spray bottles use oven spray, you can use one filled with vinegar Bon Ami or Bar Keepers and the other filled with Advice Friend. Or try a Mr.

Clean hydrogen peroxide. Spray Sara Noel Magic Eraser (wet) with the produce with vinegar baking soda and hot water. and then with hydrogen peroxide. Rinse thoroughly. Sara Noel is the owner of 4.

Combine 1 tablespoon lemon Frugal Village (www.frugalviljuice, 2 tablespoons vinegar and 1, a website that offers cup of water in a spray bottle. Spray practical, money- -saving stratefruit or vegetables and rinse well. gies for everyday living. To send 5. Combine 1 tablespoon baking tips, comments or questions, write soda, 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 to Sara Noel, Universal Uclick, cup water in a spray bottle.

Spritz 1130 Walnut Street, Kansas City, produce and rinse. MO, 64106, or email Combine 1 cup water, 1 cup HOOD'S DISCOUNT HOME CENTER HOOD'S DISCOUNT $25 with $100 or OFF purchase more. of HOME CENTER HOOD'S DISCOUNT HOME CENTER! with purchase of with $500 purchase of or more. $250 or more.

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Expires Not good with other offers. Expires Lowest Prices in Town! Hood's Discount Home Center Kitchen-Bath-Flooring-Doors More 4162 Overall Farmington, MO 573-756-4718 THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 2012 RECORDS Obituaries David Lloyd Dettrie FARMINGTON David Lloyd "Welder Dave" Dettrie passed away on Monday, August 1 13, 2012, at the age of 63. He was born on January 17, 1949, in St. Louis, son of the late Ernest Royal and Millicent Marie (Sturm) Dettrie. In addition to his parents he was preceded in death by a brother, Freeman Dettrie; a sister, Maxine McFarland and two nephews, Stephen Kobush and Christopher King.

As a child growing up in St. Louis, Dave was nicknamed "Belvedere" by his friends. In March of 1968 he married the love of his life, Carol Ingram in St. Louis. In 1975 they decided to move to Farmington where they raised their family.

Dave was a welder and fabricator by trade and established himself as a go-to man throughout St. Francois County while working for ASARCO and Missouri Mines. As a welder, he will be remembered by many as a perfectionist who people called upon if they wanted the job done right. In 2006 Dave retired and enjoyed traveling with Carol to many destinations in the United States. Dave was the ultimate father figure who always made time to share with not only his children but his nieces and nephews.

Survivors in addition to his wife, Carol include his children, Brian Dettrie and wife, Vanessa of Virginia Beach, VA, Kimberley Armon of Farmington and Felicia "Fee" Wilson and husband, Jimmie of Fredericktown; eight grandchildren and one great -grandchild plus one on the way. Also surviving are two sisters, Valada Kobush and Nora Barrett; one brother, John Dettrie and numerous nieces, nephews and cousins. A memorial service will be held on Thursday, August 16 at 1 p.m. at 838 Potosi Street. View the online obituary and share your condolences and memories at

Victor Eckhoff CADET Victor "Vic" Eckhoff, 70, Cadet, passed away August 14, 2012. Survivors are: Wife, Carol Eckhoff; daughters, Shery (Rick) Govero, Jamie (Clayton) Miner; son, Rodney Eckhoff; grandchildren, Derek Govero, Lindsay Govero, Blake Miner and Hope Miner. Visitation will be from 5-8 p.m. Wednesday, August 15, at the DeClue Funeral Home. Services will be conducted at the Caledonia Methodist Cemetery.

Funeral arrangements are under the direction of DeClue Funeral Home. Rachael Lee Hedrick ROBERTVILLE Rachael Lee Hedrick, 5 Month old daughter of Jacob Hedrick and Ma Linda Miller, of Robertsville, Mo, died Monday, August 13. Baby Rachael is also survived by: Sister Hailey Marie Roberts. Brothers, Dakota Daniel Roberts, Joshua Edward Roberts. Grandparents Karl and Jessie Miller, James Hedrick and Carrie Hedrick.

Great Grandparents Earl and Glenda "GiGi" Hedrick, Helen Wickerham and Glen Wickerham. Aunt, Deonna (Scott) Ehlmann. Uncles, Eddie (Kathy) Miller, Kenny (Debbie) Miller, Jonathan Hedrick, Joshua Wickerham. Many Cousins including Chasity Otts. Many Great Aunts and Great Uncles.

Including Aunt Debbe and Uncle Glenn Meador. Visitation 5:00 p.m. Thursday at the Moore Funeral Home, Potosi. Visitation 1:00 p.m. Friday at the Calvary Creek Baptist Church, Robertsville.

Funeral service at Calvary Creek Baptist Church 3:00 p.m. Friday. Interment will be at Calvary Creek Baptist Church Cemetery, Robertsville, Mo. Arrangements by Moore Funeral Homes, Potosi, Mo. Joseph Kesselring CHARLESTON- Joseph Daniel Kesselring, 51, of Charleston, Missouri, formerly of Potosi, passed away August 13, 2012.

Survivors: Wife Sarah Kesselring; mother Roddie Marcella Vavak; father, Joseph Kesselring and step mother Peggy Kesselring; daughter Savannah Kesselring; son Joseph "Seph" Kesselring; two sisters Tracey White and Mindy Kesselring Memorial visitation will be from 4-6 pm thursday august 16, 2012 at the DeClue Funeral Home. A memorial service will be conducted at 5:30 p.m. memorial service will be conducted at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, August 16, 2012 at the DeClue Chapel. The family requests that a memorial be made of your choice in honor of Dan in lieu of flowers.

Della Young PARK HILLS Della Marie Young, 100 of Park Hills, passed away August 9, 2012 at Country Meadows Nursing Center. She was born January 30, 1912 in Beulah, MO to the late Daniel and Ida Mae (Watts) Firebaugh. Della was a loving mother who raised six children by herself for many years before marrying her second husband. In addition to her parents, Della was also preceded in death by her first husband, Alfred Rutherford; husband, Fred Ribble; husband, Dude Young; two daughters, Dimple Davis and June Stevens; son, Alfred Rutherford; one grandson; one great -grandson; three brothers and two sisters. Della is survived by three daughters, Peggy (Mrs.

Don) Fraser of Springfield, OR, Mae (Mrs. Tony) Poat of Anaheim, CA, Ann (Mrs. Dave) Stebbins of Anaheim, CA; son, Dennis Ribble of Austin, TX; twenty-six grandchildren; numerous great- -grandchildren; niece, Elsie Gordon. Visitation will be Friday, August 17, 2012 from 5:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.

at the C. Z. Boyer Son Funeral Home in Bonne Terre. Service will be Saturday at 10:00 a.m. at the C.

Z. Boyer Son Chapel in Bonne Terre. Burial will follow at Beulah Cemetery in Madison County. View obituary and share condolences online at Kountry NO NO INTEREST PAYMENTS 12 MONTHS Hood Credit Apply Restrictions Card today! Only Cortam Apply Obituary Policy The Daily Journal will publish one death notice each ments additional pending) per word will decedent be of 40 at words or less at no charge, (arrangecharged 35 cents per word. In addition, the Daily Journal will publish one decedent with no charge for the first 100 words, each obituary additional per word will be charged at 35 cents per word.

Each publishing of that decedent's obituary will be charged for all subsequent words published. Obituary payment arrangements must be completed prior to publication. When an obituary is submitted by a private party, the name and telephone number of the funeral home or service the family must be provided prior to publication. assisting.

The Daily Journal from Flat River, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.