Urbana Citizen and Gazette from Urbana, Ohio (2024)

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Urbana Citizen and Gazettei

Urbana, Ohio

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i "wiMfniwinramiissmiMSBaiiBmMBsaBmMhHBMsiwMBBimayws iii i hjIv mi zI iM i JI I 10 fir 1 1 1 ffl zir 1 I O'W'W' WteP WWw ROWN INDIGNANTLY UPON THE IRST DAWNING EVERY ATTEMPT TO ALIENATE ANY PORTION OUR COUNTRY ROM THE REST OR TO ENEEBLE THE SACRED TIES WHICH NOW LINK TOGETHER THE VARIOUS PARTS Waehington lT WHOLE NUMBER 1266 URBANA CHAMPAIGN COUNTY OHIO THURSDAY JUNE 30 1364 VOLUME 27 NUMBER 14 TO C1IBWER8 SMOKERS letters from the National Guards April 9 1863 I Square ty) KILLICKINICK William Scott business notices II 1STE ITEMS NEW STOCK CINCINNATI GBOCERY ISoois Shoes BIciVs Boots Shoes Made CUSTO MADE BOOTS AND SHOES 25 tf and of the beat material DAVID II HOVEY THOS IL BERRY James 0 Glenn Co South Hlain Street) Urbana Ohio EMPIRE HOES SPADES DAKES GOOD COME AT LAST Bide Horse Pitch ork! READY MADE CLOTHING nt Self Sustaining and Self Discharging! if SPRING SUMMER CASSIJIERE Both Sacks and rocks GOODS! Of all descriptions JOHN KENAGA ISAAC MAST: A very Large Stock of and Clothing ARRIVAL NEW GOODS AT THE GILT HE undersigned are prepared to purchase any quanti wa attacked in the ired by a hog and before it skillfully dressed as cats had an immense success 5 LysanderS Darnell 6 Tbodore Scott Boots mid Boaver Cloth Melton Sealskin of rock and Sackinake of every quality and the extremely low prices at which they are sold to cash customers MYtccvne necessary in order to accommodate the constantly increasing trade to seek larger and more comfortable rooms We there fore take pleasure in Informing our patrons and the public generally that we have fitted up the rooms a few doors South of the old stand and where we will be found at all times with a large and care fully selected stock of the best of ever before offeredin this town consisting in part of th oilowing: Black Cloth rock And others of every style and quality This motto at Stora prevails Profits but Tremendous Crimson Dark Drab' Light Drab' lawn Drab Light awn Drab And ITTore and Better the universal Cry of the Store of ANCY DOESKIM Black Doeskin Pants of every style and quality made up in the Latest Style and offered at a very LOW PRICE Which have been purchased at the very lowest cash prices and will be sold foreash at small advances from cost Their Stock is from the Manufactories of Massachusetts Phila delphia and Cincinnati and comprises a full assortment Who is happy to announce to the citizens of Urhana and surrounding country that ha hasjust received the Largest and Best selected Stock of account of the extra quality of Bootsand Shoes found at One Door North of Kauffman dj Nelson's Drug Store Calf and Kip Balmoral' ford Tics call onjre Lasting Congress 4aiu lawt i ii ir Hrlord 'I' and Kid Goat morocco Cali Buff and Kip Lace Boot Balmorals of all Kind Kid and Goat Contres Gaiters of all Kinds Herman isher than Ever) is all who visit Thanking my patrons for the favors heretofore extended tome I respectfully ask fur a continuance of thesarue and only add that I never consider it any trouble to show Goods therefore callon me before purchasing elsewhere Sales and Small shall always be my motto This establishment is the only place in Urbana where you can always find a good assortment ofGoods well made up and in the Latest Style If you want good Goods at a very low price call at HERMAN No 1 Miami street old stand Urbana Dec 18 18G3 TN addition to our verv large Stock of STOVES TIN 8 WARE and HOUSE URNISHING GOODS we have added And a great many other Goods in that line too numerous to mention Trunks Vnliscw Carpet Baijh and Umbrellas in any quantity Incorporated ebruary 2G 184G This Company will insure arm nouseeand Barns and desirable town risks on favorable terms (on the Mutual plan) This has been the most successful Insurance Com panyin Ohio always avoiding heavy losses and affording safe andcheap insurance to members Persons desiring to insure property will do well to call on the Secretary or eitherof theDirectors or Dying Silk Woolen and mixed Goods Shawls Scarfs Dresses Ribbons Gloves Bonnets Hats eathers Kid Gloves Clothing and all kinds ofWearing Apparel WESTERN MUTUAL ire Insurance Company URBANA OHIO LEATHER SHOE INDINGS and many other articles too numerous to mention In fact every variety necessary to make a full and cetupleteetock Anderson Albert Blue Nelson Body Daniel Briggs Samuel Barnes Johnson Baker Peter Buroker Noah Buroker Ira Cutlet Jason Criflield Wesley Cox Carey Cailo ranklin Downey Joseph Davis Culver Davis Joseph II Edmiston William A lowers William Grube Simon Godard John A Godard Jeremiah Grafton Jasper Garman Daniel Hamilton Nathan Hamilton William Huffman Daniel Hartman Rufus Hartman Albert Jenkins James Jenkins Jacob Johnson Samuel Jones William Jordan Andrew Kizer Isaiah Lewis Sampson Lucas Patrick which wewill sell at the very lowest cash price to all So come on and make your selection and we warrant you to he well pleased with ottr goods We are now just receiving from the factor: eg SPRING STOCK which weare determined to sei! at aslow rates as can be a rded in this orany other market In the Western Worlds We wo Id also say to manufacturers that we keep con stantly hand a good supply of all kinds of Sole Leather rench Topping Trimming Morocco Kid and Bind ing Alsv a good assortment of Shoe indings marcl2G ID WHITE CO And in fact every thing thata firstclass amily Grocery should have selected specially for the Retail Trade of Champaign county armers will please bear In mind that we pay cash at all times for Corn Oats Butter Eggs Bacon Beans Po tatoes Onions Lard Rags eathers Beeswax Old Cop per Chickens Turkeys Ac Remember the One door east of Ross Hitt Store Look for the Sign of Urbana Oet29 1863 E1S1IEK Agent IrAlUUlLl And shall continue to keep at all times all kinds of Coffees and Teas New Orleans Crushed Powdered Gran ulated and Coffee Sugars New Orleans and Golden Syrup Molasses the best brands of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco Soda Cream Tartar Saleratus Cheese Beef Tubs Buckets Washboards Tar Baskets Brooms JOSEPH WHITE a WXKDEN I AVAR BEX PIOSGROVE ATTORNEYS COUNSELLORS URBANA OHIO BOOTSAND SHOES REPAIRED nt short tice mistake the place Corner PuUto Square and West Main Street Marcher 1864 II SOX BALMORALS CONGRESS BOOTS fcc forget the North Main Street East side March 31 18C4 1 tf rT HE undersigned haring sold out his grocery establish meet in the north east corner of the Public Square lias taken the stand lately occupied by Thomas Herman on North Main street adjoining Hardware Store where he has a good assortment of AMILY GROCERIES and ia prepared to accommodate bis customers and the pu lie generally All kinds of Country Produce taken in exchange for Groceries or purchased for Cash SIMON OBERLIN Urbana Nov 20 18C3tf THE Subscribers having purchased the entire Stock of Mr Skyrm will continue the business at the old Stand (corner of Public Square and West Main street) and would call the attention of ths citlxen of Ur bana and Champaign county to their Stock of BOOTS SHOES WE beg leave to call public attention to the fact that we hare a tine and well selected Stock of A ROSE A A GRIIN puna no ms ltmi oiaee Simeon Wearer's Store Entrance wine aa to Ambrotype Gallery Dec 4 1857 Names of Co ISttli Regt in t'uuip ueur Ut nuutla Iluudred Va June 13tb 1SG1 Ma EoiToa: According to promise itt my former letter 1 transmit to you for publication the rank and file of Company I Captain John Ricker 1st Lieut Marion Grafton 2d Lieut Janies Grafton Sergeants Dtniel Death Jr 2 Charles Powell L0 3 a Great writers widely differ in regard to the seat of the if factions and for a student in attempting to emerge from darkness into light on a subject on which learned heads are so far apart is certainly a difficult task A thorough analysis of this subject would require much thought and in vestigation and we shall not attempt at this time to dip too deeply into great gulf for fear we might possi bly be unable to extricate ourself It Is known that at the present day we hive a great many scientific men who are full ofologies of all kinds and some of them have even as sorted that there is nd authority in history mythology met aphysics or physiology for placing the headquarters of Cu pid in the heart In Holy Writ we are commanded to love the Creator with all our heart soul and mind Now it would seem unreasonable if we were taught by High Au thority to live with an object which we had net the power to love But whether this love Cupid is frmthe same source as that spoken of in the Scriptures might be at question for the tbeologista Iflovehasbut one source and is of the same nature certainly we are capable of dincting it toward different olyects We love the Good Being our neighbor and ourselves on the same principle and for simi lar reasons And it does seem that these affections aie not built up one on the other but grow up in a common soli and have a common foundation Man is capable of loving or he woul not have been commanded to love SeifdoTtJ begins to be developed at a very early period But it is not developed alone The very moment it commences social love commences along with It and the Infant child love its parent as soon as it loves itself As childhood advanc es selfdove and social love are extended and Increased to gether and to a great extent by the same mean? The principle of love in the heart soul and mind is no doubt of the same nature because we are commanded to love the same object by them What most pleases cs and gives ua pleasure we love And when our love is not foroneotyect It is for another whether it flows from that vital organ the heart or from other sources of the human system We have no authority for saying that we love with the lungs the spleen or the liver for the Bible does not teach such doc trine And yet we have men who pretend of say for aught they know that baby god Cupid may be found there And one of our Homeopathists says that love is a creature of the stomach and depends upon the gastric juices for its sup port There may be some plausibility In his theory And yet if a lover should say to theobjectofhisaffectioos Miss permit me to lay my stomach and fortune at your feet she would think it an odd way of popping the question No trace of Cupid has ever been found on dissection and yet this Homeopathist claims that his habitation is in that im portant and powerful muscle which acts as the vital pump and distributing reservoir of the system It is certainly a palpable absurdity to represent the hearts of lovers inflames or transpierced with barbed arrows because a person with that organ in a state of combustion would lie at the point of death and therefore incapable of courting And yet should thia popular fiction be discarded what would be come of the Valentine trade? It does seem that this ques tion the seat of the affections is not easily solved if we dis card Ilidy Writ And certainly no Bible loving person will do that We have the opinion of educated men and we discover a marked difference in their theoiieg Love is a principle endowed in man by the Creator and whether any of our scientific men will ever give us a logical understand Ing of its habitation time will tell Occupation armers GOCarpenter? 6 Labourers '8 Tetch era £3 Shoemakers 2 Smith 1 Sawyer 1 Ar tist 1 Saddler 1 Ckrk 1 Wagonmaker 1 Plasterer 1 Distiller I Where Born Ohio 65 Pennsylvania 8 Virginia 7 Ken tucky 1 New Jersey I Missouri 1 Illinois 1 Maryland 1 Englund 1 Germany 1 The company have been thus far generally well except a few that have the measles and other camp diseases None are dangerous Al ter landing at Bermuda Hundred the regiment was marched about four miles near Gen headquarters within eight miles of Petersburg The regiment had not halted long we had the pleasure of hearing the whiz and bursting of a few shells which were fired at the signal station All letters addressed to company I at present should be directed as follows: Company I 13 hh Regiment I Bermu da Hundred Va via Washington (Caro of Capt Riker) SCISSORS 3 Geo lowers 4 Edward Wonea 5 David Baker Corporals 1 John Millen 2 John Shloneker 3 Granville Kelley 7 Amos Baker 4 James Ireland 8 George Williams MuCtANS Joseph A Ovcrbuh Privates Miller Jeremiah Aloft Josiah Samuel James Nicholas Samuel Overbids Sinuel Prince Joseph Pence Jason Pence Adam Robinson Alexander Speer John Snapp ranklin Shaffer Joseph II Shaffer Jacob Stephenson William Smith Henry Stone ilhara Sparling James Thackrey Henry Thackrey William Thackrey John Thomas Daniel Vance Anda tn Wert George Weaver Joseph Weaver Anthony West Henry Weller James Weller William II Wilson Benoni Wones Simon Watkins Benjamin Ward Lewis Walker Jacob AT JLTSV URBANA OHIO TTpOffice in the Court House one door west of the Pro rate Judge's Office Dec4 ly SIGN ancy Ornamental and Ilnuse Tainting neatly and promptly executed by SYDNEY EMALL Room over? store on North Main street March 31 1864 tf China Glass and Quecnsware Imported direct from the Potteries consisting in part of China Tea and Dinner Setts complete China Vases all sizes and patterns China Toys and Ornaments in variety CLASS WARE lint and Common of every desirable Pattern bought direct from the manufacturers Gold Band Granite Ware in complete setts White Granite Tea etts 46 pieces and Dinner setts complete Plates from 3 to 10 inches Teas handlrd and unhandlcd Coffees do do Pitchers of all sizes Covered Vegetable Dishes Round Soup Terreens Sauce ditto Sauce Boats Pickle Dishes Bowls of all sizes Covered Butters oval Meat Dishes of all sizes Oval Bakers ditto Tea Pots Sugars and Creams Ewers and Basins and Chambers with and without covers Also Pearl Ware of every article Common Ware of all kinds Also a large assortment of Traveling Baskets All of which will be sold low for Cash Quick Salesand Small Profits is our motto Urliana March 31 1864 TURKISH AKD SMOKING TOBACCO QsMITD DAVIES MANUACTURERS Dark Grtrn Light Green Magenta Mai' Maroon' Orange' Dink' Durite' Royal Purple Salmon Scarlet State Solferino Violet Yello JAMES TAYLOR UIUTARY CLAIM AGENT AND NOTARY PUBLIC omee on egr Wt Pn Oie HAVING had considerable experience since the begin ning of the present wtr in the nay department for the army and being familiar with the business offers ins services to nwHincEn wousmd and Ua 8 cKAfansoLDiKRs for obtaining therBACK PAYB0U TY MONEY and PENSIONS No chargemade unless theclai i allowed and pata and then onlya reasonable fee janHt SHIRTS and DRAWERS LANNEL OVERSKIRTS BUCKSKIN GLOVES MITTS NECKTIES COLLARS SUSPENDERS CHEWING Daily Meat Market fill I IS undersigned have formed a partnership and in tend keeping a Daily Market iu connection with a General Stock Groceries) Provis ions China) Glass and Eurtlien Ware Ac Ac) Ac We have opened our Market in the building occupied by Thos II Berry west side of North Main South of Court street The highest market price paid in Cash for fat stock BEK11Y HOVEY dset2fi dents' Ttirnishiiisr Goods ms bjtikb mim and all kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE for which they will pay the highest market price in cash Give us a call at the old Gwynne Warehouse in rear of Hardware Stoic tuarlO if COOK WOLKILL THIS ORK has been tested with the variousPitch orks now before the Public and is pronounced by the farmers to be The Best Horse Pitcliork in Use Itis admitted tobeTItE SIMPLEST most convenient and cheapest ork ever made having no joint brace nor spring bolt to get out of order It has no handle to pre ventgoing through windows or under beams ask i 3 that armers try the ork and judge fo th emseltM The tines of thia ork is preferable to all others in use from the fact that in fastening them to the head they pass round the head instead of through it so that the head can not split or the tines get loose These orks will be manufactured by the undersigned in Urbana and keptfor sale at the Hardware Store of PAT RICK HUMPHREYS or town and county rights apply to COOK KIRBY Urbana Ohio Dec 18 1864 ly CHARLES ROO Bookseller Stationer 7 AND DEALER IN MnOe JfnIcal Tintrnmcnts Wall Papfr Ht Molding Pictures Ilcture rame? lc) Sfiidli Eait Corner Public Square Urbana 0 June 19 1862 Desirable Building Lots A EW LOTS of the above kind situated north west of (and near) the Seminary can be had by application to ROSS Agent Urbana March 31st tf PLOWS THE undersigned is now manufiujturing a' superior arti cle of two and tbreliorse STEEL PLOUGHS for sod or loose ground to which he invites the attention of farmers These ploughs are made of the very best mate rial and for durability and service are unsurpassed Those desiring a first class Plough will find it to their interest to call and examine them before purchasing elsewhere Blabksmi thing in all its branches continued as usual at the old stand on Scioto street Trbana eb 19 1862 tf JOHN McCLELLAN AND DEALERS IN Cigars and Tobacco 7 UNION BLOCK SOUTH SIDE PUBLIC SQUARE URBAJWS OHIO The firm of being dissolved I have become the senior member of this House Thanking my patrons for their past patronage I will be happy to still receive their favors SMITH oct22tf bentistr DU I BB hasremovedhisOffice to the Mc Donald Block corner room seeond story up stairs ntrance on North Main street where he willgive special ttention to the extraction of teeth and th insertion of ARTIICIAL TKETH on GOia rivvit a vrTCANITE or HARD RLBBKK Lail ind see specimens Office hours from 7 a to 7 Urbana Sept 25 1802 WILL attend to business at Urbana and other pla ees connected with It by Rail ITxsixi SKirravULD Dvtos Coicmbus and Cwctwwn Particular attention will be given to ederal Courts at Cincinnati and the Supreme Court at Columbus nq it Dec 18 1863 or 25 cents you can color as many goods as would other wise cost five times that sum Various shades can be pro duced from the same dye The process is simple and any one can use the dye with perfect success Directions in English rench and German inside of each package or furthur information in Dying and giving a perfect knowledge what colors are best adapted to dye over others (with many valuablerecipes) purchase Howe Treatise on Hying and Coloring Sent by mail on receipt of 10 cents Manufactured by UOtVE STEVENS 260 Broadway Rot ton orsale by Druggists and dealers generally November 27 1863 lysmp Capt David Lewis Company 8th Ohio Re giment was married at Washington a few days since to Miss argaret McCracken of Bucy rus He was wounded at one of the lata battles of the Army of the Potomac and at the time of his marriage was strapped to a board Judge John A Bnr an formerly Auditor of tho State of Ohio and Assistant Postmaster General under Tyler died at Menasha tsconsin a short time since No nrnty has suffered more severely than that of the Danes in tho war in the duchies It did not exceed 35000 men at the commencement of the struggle and the losses are officially reported at 1 173 men including 300 officers The Siamese Twins are still living in North Carolina Ono has nine and the other has eight children One of the latter is in the rebel armyj but the others are either girls or boys too young to fight Gen SshTh has cleared away the ob struction to the navigation of the Mississippi at Columbia Ark a battery supported by the rebel Marmaduke with several thousand men Gen Smith lauded his forces on the 5th inst silenced tho rebel artillery and drove the enemy away They succeeded in getting beyond a lake which prevented speedy pursuit General loss was twenty killed and seventy woauded That of tho rebels was about the same A correspondent of the Chicago Tribune writes from Tennessee: saw a gentleman a few days since direct from Atlanta and who informed me Unit John Bell was there surly: and disappointed Ho is severe on on mankind in geu eral He states tlnit he would never have joined the had not parties hating the reputation of being Union men culled on him and urged him to go into the current that be might control it Mr Bell says he yielded to these arguments and solicitations but no sooner liad ho arrayed himself with tho traitors than he lost the conli dunce of real Union men without gaining that of the lire eaters Heavy Loss A fire on the night of the 27th of May at the levee at New Orleans destroyed eight large river steamers and several sail crafts The loss is estimated nt $300000 Going to tub Ekont Another regiment of our National Guard the 143d from Coshocton and adjoining counties has arrived at the Whits House headquarter's tn safety and will no doubt assist in the siege of Richmond What Ohio has Done Tho Adjutant Gener al has figured up the number of soldiers furnish ed ly Ohio during the present war and tire total is 292 M2! The official documents in his office show tiicse figures to be true Can any other State show a better record? JIexico The New York Mexican correspondent says the Juarez government has been perfected and established at Monterey Tho Liberals more than 10000 strong were preparing to march on Potosi The rench and ImperaliatJ had been completely routed dt Tomita and there was great enthusiasm for the national cause The Secretary ol the Treasury has advertised for sealed proposals to be received till the 16th of June fora loan tof $75000000 bearing six per cent interest Hon Ashley has been nom inated for re election to Congress in the Toledo District trAndrcw Johnson was born in Raleigh in 1808 and is consequently fifty six years of age In early life he was not favored with tha advantages of a school education but applied himself faithfully to his trade as a tailor employ ing the intervals of rest in nseful study In 1826 he removed to the Western States and in 1835 was chosen to the Legislature of Tennessee He repeatedly served in that body in after years and finally rose to the position of Governor and United States Senator Cori'ERHEAn SIerder in Tndiana A citizen of Parke county Indiana named Lor who had been quite active in arresting deserters was mur dered on the night of the 2 1 th by a gang of forty ruffians who entered his house with blackened faces The Sheriff attempted to arrest some of them when he was resisted by a band of armed men fvho ran the criminal off into a copperhead neighborhood in ountain county where they were protected by some armed men at last ac counts The Sheriff and posse wounded two of the mutderers before their retreat who proved to be deserters t3TA correspondent in Grant's array says that about 2000 rebel prisoners were marched past a portion of the negro troops of corps It was amusing to bear negroes inquire jesting ly is you boss? Mighty good thing we eotch you we would never tuck ye prison The prisoners became infuriated and beg ged to have their will of the negroes five minutesRemember ort the negroes would cut yoiir black was tho threat of tho otheis Thus the two races reviled each other The master was prisoner the bond man free and a soldier now called Belmont Bob' is the body servant of Gen McClernard and at the battle of Belmont it is said of him that when the retreat commenced he started for ths boats Reaching the banks he dismounted and slid rapidly down when au officer seeing the action called out you rascal and bring along the Merelv looking up as hs waded to tbe'plank through the mud the darkey replied colonel told me to save the tuost'Valuable proper ty and wort a 'We can all eartfwir livifij the remark made in a family byaouetiof several young la dies a short time s'nea ls mv 'e? be pa: that fact I regard as the point of (rilin' ph id vottr edit eaiion Able mid willing a the two words which when the occasion eoroes'if emueit shall will in sute you success and vindicate the principle that women should be educated for laziness and useful ness as well as for ornament and attractiveness Never fear the work for your' support when Be cessilv shall come not fail to encourage others in so doing thoogli you may claim at excmplicn through the tfforU of Clocks Watches and Jewelry ilIKffllIV nMTCffl SETH 30 HOUR AND 8 DAY CLOCKS Silver Table and Tea SzoonM Plated Ware Steel and Jet Ornaments and Spectacles all kinds and qualities Ac Old Spectacle rames re fitted and warranted to suit Italian Violin and Guitar Strings Clocks Watcbeeand Jewelry Repaired Oct 118G3 HALL fflltco HffllY! WILLI VI BUSSES Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Tobacco Cigars Snuff keeps constantly on hand and for sale a large assortment of Virginia and Kentucky Man ufacturcd Tobacco Ciffars of various kind Imported and Domestic in cent CJliewingTo bac in Can and roil SinokiiigTobncco free from teni Pipe mid Snuff various grades and all Mher articles in his line of business which he will sell on as liberal terms as they can be had at any other house in the West Hisextensire machinery for the manufacture of Cut To bacco of all qualities is now in operation and he will be enabled to supply dealers at al! times and in any quantity Traders in any of the above articles are invited to call and inspect the goods and learn the prices Stere on Erie Street Second door South of Court House oct22tf HAMILTON HOUSE URBANA OHIO TAvi urc wir EY Proprietor HAVING purcbaaed and refurnished this old and well known Tavern Stand I am now prepared to entertain the raveling public in the best possible manner A carefulnd experienced ostler will be in attendance at all times Urbana April jcw WAKRENJk GABMEB have always on hand a large and splendid assortment of Carriages Buggies Sulkies of every description which they offer to the public at lower prices than they can be obtained at any other establishment inthe country Their facilities for manufacturing the best quality of work have brought them customers from different parts of Ohio Constantly enlarging their business they are enabled to pro duce every article in their line manufactured from the best material Persons wishing to buy will do well to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere actory and Depository on Court St near the Dopot Urbana April3 52 tf AMILY DYE COLORS Patented October Ij 1SO3 Slack lack for Silk Dark Blue Light Blue drench Blue Claret Brown Dark Lirown Light Brown Snvff Brown MAST KENAGA (Successors to Given A Mast) Respectfully announce to the former patrons of Given Mast and the public generally that they are continuing the Merchant Tailor and Clothing Business in the Weaver Building North East corner of the Public Square Urhana where they are receiving a large stock of Cloths and Cassimeres Spring and Summer Goods of every variety and style which they will make to order to suit their customers Also Ready Made Clothingfoanufactured in the best style and at reasonable prices HATS AND CAPS and all other articles of Clothing generally kept in such an establishment ashionable Cutter Mr Marsh and gentle Clerk Mr Thos ill will continue their services With the new firm Urbana March 3 1864 JUST RECEIVED BY AULABAUGII CLOTHS CASSIMERES UNION Black Brown Drah and Mode LADIES rench and English MERINOS ALPACAS all Wool DELANES Plain and figured Union DELANS Plain and ancy LANNELS BALMORAL SKIRTS A Ladies Spring and Summer DRESS GOODS SHAWLS SILKS BERAGES BERAGE DELAINS MOZEM DEQUE GINGHAMS SHALL1ES Summer Balmoral SKIRTS Quaker Skeleton SKIRTS Gloves Hosiery Ac ALSO A fine lot of CARPETS and Carpet Chain together with a full assortment of Gents Ladies Misses and NOTICE THE following Administrators Executors and Guar dians have filed their Accounts In the Probate Court of Champaign county Ohio for settlement to wit: Abraham Herr Adm of Abraham Herr account od dis tribution Benj Davis Admr of Samuel Wilson final Hezekiah Spain of Wm Crowder final yffe of WH yffe final II Young Jane Mason final John Heaston Guardian of Elizabeth Heasfon first Geo Wells of Rachel Smith final Lemuel Magrew of A Magrew final with Court and heirs I Thesald accounts wl1 1 come on for sett lemen on the 1 kt Monday in July 1864 and be continued from day to day tbercafterunlildisposed of June 16 1864 A VANCE Pro Judge QUEENSWARE HAVE jaat received another lot at that beautiful I nnuo iwwhib A handsome assortment of LINT GLASS WARE TU0S JI BERRY Main 3outh of Court St DIRECTORS: Oliver Cundiff I Jacob IT Patrick I St Murdoch Philander Ross Isaac Mast 0 CUNDI Pres't BALDWIN ebl3 Jy Clarysville Hospital Wednesday June 1 Gth 1861 Mr Editor: As you see by the heading of this letter I am in that much dreaded place by most of the hospital Though after all we do not find it such a terrible institution as fancy and report has pictured it We are treated al most as wul! as we would be at home and far bettor than we expected to be The water and air most effective medicines are both here and contribute much to tho health of the men here Several of our boys have returned to the regiment and most or those that arc here ex pect to go soon This hospital is nine miles from Cumberland and is situated about twelve hundred feet above that place so that the rail road that runs from here there falls at the rate of more than one hun dred feet to the mile The down grade is so great that the passenger car runs to Cumberland with out an engine They have a reading room and library attached to the hospital Several of the eastern and some of tho western dailies are regu larly sent here So you see that after all we uro in a civilized place The eating though not luxurious is substantial and suited to the condi tion of the men Last night a man of our ward from New York died of the typhoid fever Poor fellow! As I stood by his bedside and saw him breath his last far away from home and friends among strangers and in a strange land I dropt a tear of pity for the dying soldier and breathed a prayer that his soul might find rest in the other world as it had found trouble in this To day he with another patriot who has fallen from wounds received in defence ot uis country were buried aide by in one grave to sleep the sleep of death rest thy warfare oer Sleep tho sleep that knows no breaking Dreams of battle fields no more Days of danger nights of There are thirty men of our regiment hero this time The most of them aie regaining their health only two being confined to their beds I would say to friends at home to give themselves no uneasiness about the treatment we receive for it is as good as could bo where there are so many to attend to The following are the names as near as I could learn of the men belonging to our regiment who are now here Company II Hnrdesholl Company Thos Crim Curtis Bay Warren Keys Stephens Win Taylor Company Ralph Burnham Elliphas Meach am rank Carpenter Martin John Craw ford Geo Standish rancis Irvine Martin Smith Company Joseph Coe John Little Reu ben Elliott Wm Rock Adam Cowie George Vermillion Company Edward Gilbert Thos Vert ner Zeke Lamborn Company Abraham McVey Jonathan Kost Company I Andy Edmmston Jacob Jenkins Joseph Downev Ed Wones Compcnt Names unknown SIMON Camp of the 131th Regt I Near Bcrmuda Hundred Va Tuesday June 1 1th 1861 riend I suppose you would like to be with us down here iu Dixie and with us see how the rebellion is being as you are not here perhaps hearing how it is done will suit as well The 134 lb is still and has found a down here to do fguard and gar rison duty We are at present camped in an oats field and" our boys find the situation delightsome There are plenty of Ohio hundred days Regi ments encamped on this peninsula and judging from the looks of some of them they will do bul ly fighting The 131th was the first hundred day Regiment here It was the 1st to report the first to (reach! the post assigned to it and the first to land South of the James River Our locution is nt the left end of the entrench merits which have been thrown up across the pen insula between the Appomatox and James Riv ers Tbo distance to Bermuda Hundred is about live miles to Petersburg 5 or 6 miles The steep les of Petersburg are in'view of our camp 1 sup pose the distance to Richmond in an air line is about 1 6 miles A rebel Battery throws an occa sional shell past the rear of ramp Some times our batteries respond and then the rebs We can hear nuy fus that may hap pen nccross the James River There was a little cannonading over there yesterday I do not think affaire will remain quiet much longer down here I must close for the present Send me the Citizen while wo remain hero Direct to Co J34thO 1 Bermuda Hundred Va via Washington CLEM tIn Louisville last Wednesday a child WHITE LEAD Zink lameru mi Run a coinpieie ouW he relieveu one ns legs was au viuQuu assortment of Colnr Jaw 'r ai by that amputation was necessary (to to Luaus Bio fur good Photofiil March 31 bAnJXiii 1 or the Cititen and Gazette Ma I was hilly aware that the position I as sumed in a former article would touch ft somewhere among the profession or their defenders and was ready for tho retort of the guns I gave It as my conscientious conviction that we could 1 never correct the drinking usages of society until we re formed the doctrines of the profession upon which is pre 1 dicated the idea that is good and useful as a medi cine Before proceeding to meet request which I do most cheerfully I will call the attention of the of Cable to one item implying or conveying the impression that the exciting cause of our was not In consequence of or a grogshop in our midst but something else of a deep mysterious hidden na ture Why did not tell us what the probable cause was which developed this We are not in the habit of manifesting our against and if a grogshop a corrup what is? What is a poison to the morals of commu nity if a grogshop and its attending curves ae not? He now informs us that I propose to with the Well do and have I not the tight to if they are in error? Have they not been ing with Health reform Temperance reform and human bodies for centuries past as I shall prove and that by then uwii wknuw ledgement and is it not time somebody tries to correct them even at the risk of being paraded be fore Ute public as the or termed "pro I will notify that ere 1 cluse this matter he will see that I have with the premises on which is predicated the doctrine that are useful as sparing of your big I cant This alcohol is a a very Student and big men make hig sums of money by selling this of the and big learned men of the world have made a big muddle of it by calling it food and a and if I dont use big words I shall fail to do the thing justice He sets me before the Well I am My profession is clodhopplng and I have been edu cated to believe and have tha impertinence to think it equally as honorable an avocation as selling or prescribing it to dying struggling humanity What say you He hopes 1 will show the profession that they are igno rant of the "modus of Rlooholio I need to show them that They almost unlformily acknowledge that point Read their Text looks and see for yourself They will present many forcible argu ments to prove that it acte or does something but how they know What I mean by modus operendi is the imputed action of alcohol on the human organism But how it acts they tell The most learned men of the world impute to it au action but say they explain what it does or how it acts The academy of science in Paris rance awarded Messrs Snllemand and Dnfor the sum of 25000 francs for their work on the action of alcohol and of Anesthetic agents on the system A fter a series ef carefully conducted ex periiueMls they sum conclusions as follows: real ac tion of alcohol has yet to be And these confess ions are prominent in the writings of nearly all their works on Pathology and Therapeutics I am thankful to Student fur limiting me to the one point via there is no pathological condition of the hu man organization wjiich justifies its (alcohol) in proving tins jny preceding proposrtmns win ne proven also 1 hope that all who read will follow me carefully through all my proving with a determination tojudga my logic impartially In order to substantiate my position I will show that al eohnl occasions or induces nntholrteienl conditions (or dis eased conditions) and will have to give au explanation of Pathology and disease as 1 comprehend it Pathology ex plains tlie nature of disease their causes and symptoms Nearly all the writers on Pathology convey the idea or im pression that disease is an actual entity or substance and 1 are discussing to this day the nature and scat of fevers Medical hooks tell us that fevers us" go set in travel about locate ice just as though diseases I were actual independent existences such as ghosts goldings consequently they bring up in medical array the most deadly poison to to drive it out battle it down subdue it Ac Such ideas may do for the super stitious to entertain but in the light of true science such doctrines are perfectly absurd Here is at least ft good com mon sense theory ami one 1 am not ashamed to present to the world The theory is is not a 8uistuucn but an action Not an existence but a dis turbance an act or of purification A remedial ef fort on the part of the vital organism to impurities or (alcohol included) Disease is not an enemy to the vital organism but it is defensive war It is uota thing to he destroyed but simply a process of cleansing Poisons or impurities of any kind which are permitted to enter the organic domains produce this action we call dis euse which is only the effort of the vital powers to expel thus impurities as they cannot be used by the system and must be expelled through the various outlets of the body If food is taken into the stomachethe living vita! powers act on it to use it to appropriate it in supplying the wants of tl system and this is heallh or physiology If poisons or nonusahle subitances are taken Into the stomach? the living vital system acts ou them to expel them and this is disease or pathology 1 ms is a simple and neauttnii arrangement oi nature ano it is passing strange that the profession should blunder over such things unnoticed and unheeded Again I will try and show where the primary error lays Itis simply the relation of dead matter to living All of the chemists Therapertlsts and Pathologists tell us of the action of alco hol on the system hut none of them as I before stated pre tend to explain Its action The truth is simply this It (alcohol) dues not actl Let us examine the authorities and see The learned and scholarly Dunglison in his Medical Dictionary tells us that alcohol is an An inorganic substance is a dead substance a suistanee void of life principle of life influence It is inertia an in ert element It has no active principle hut is always acted on leing passive itself This is a self evident truth that in the relatinns of dead and living mattvrjthe li iug acts on the dead and nut the dead on the living Alcohol is brought io contact with the human organism It is a dead substance not capable of assimilation with any living sub stance one which Is not convertible into any of the tissues of a living body It must be expelled The vital powers arouse to action to expel the base intruder Itis and must be regarded as an enemy which no organ of the body will consent to have present Nothing will satisfy the outraged sensibilities hut its expulsion from the system This rally ing the vital powers is so much talked of hy the Rooks and little understood even by the profess ion Stimulation ever and Disease are one ami essential ly the same thing are convertible terms and when the people uiiderstftnd this where will he (Jl hollo' occi or traffic? A man who has a dose of Inside of his body is just as essentially in a dis eased condition as one who liaj breathed a malaria Into his system The same feverish symptoms are indicated The nfhnthnro tnthnl 'ideal No one would suppose that malaria is a stimulant nr accept it as a of yet the truth is it is just as much a supporter of vitality as alcohol and bo far as stimulation is concerned the same iu effect Let us ex amine this of theory Does alcohol impart life or even a life principle? certainly not We have shown alcohol to be a dead thing No life in it How can it impart a thing its own advocates tell us it does not possess? Will explain if he can any other bow alcobul The books never have Again it a person take several doses of this Life sup porting agent he becomes suddenly very weak utterly prostrate This "powerful stimulant" becomes a tent This is one of the mysteries of med ten I science They can't comprehend it In the light of vi tality it is perfectly plain that stimulation Is always an exhausting and never a supporting process simply be cause powers are nuatu rally taxed and overworked to defend themselves and cast out impuritives Pure food pure water pure air do not stimulate in the least Poisons occasion waste of vitality by inducing abnormal action Every unnatural effort expends a portion of the "entwpleniskable" fund of Life This is why Student yuur is pernicious and destructive of human life I have now demonstrated why alcohol is not useful as a medicine and have shown that its effects are al" It induces disease and in a of ths body if given It only adds fuel to the flames kin dles a greater firc makes a greater obstruction for the vital powers to overcome makes more labor and Iineae i la bor am truly confident that the world has been more fatally deluded on this subject ami that it Is hard to edu cate ingrained errors out of the profession but surely and certainly it will he done for there is a secret moving growing faithlessness in poisons as remedial agciitsor their can never be checked unless we degen erate Lack to the dark ages am aware of the bearings of my positions on the profession But I know 1 am right and truly believe that hundreds and thousands of human beings are sent to prematpre graves because uf this crimi nal war on human constitutions If Student wishes more evidence or light I have any quantity he may wish from the very best authorities in the world and lie shall have it In my next (by your leave friend Saxton) I will give the experimental provings of the various writers on the action of alcohol Th will hare I think a conclusive bearing on mind that is a mighty good poison hut a poor food Will Student prove that lam wrong Yours for reform WO A Copperhead oniele whoso malignity usually outweighs its lolly thus rails at the notuiuutiun of Lincoln and Johdson: only merit we cun discover in this Balti more ticket is the merit of consistency it is all of a piece the tail does not shame the head nor the head shame the tail A rail spliiting buffoon and a boorish tailor both from the backwoods! both growing up ia uncouth ignorance they would af ford grotesque subject for a satiric Such suicidal attacks among a people so in vincibly democratic as ours ami where "rail splitting and "boorish vote and their votes count on a par with those of scholars and millionaire are utterally unacoun table Simon Snyder was thrice chosen Govern or of Pennsylvania becoming the idol of her masses bv virtue of just such splenetic and short sighted malice The facte that Abraham Lin coln rose from rail splitting to the Presidency and that Andrew Johnson an illiterate and pen niless nobody one of the "poor white so generally kept under in tho South fought his way up through the Legislature House and Governorship nt bis adopted State to the Senate are eloquent tributes alike to the charac ter of our institutions and the personal worth of these rnen said an incensed Bos tonian to the mercantile millionaire of his JtyI knew you when you were buta drummer boy" "Certainlv" responded Billy: "and I drum The fact that he had since risen from in digenco uud obscurity towealth atul power jnsti ties a strong presumption that be Tribune At the last dreS ball of the Empress Eu I gene Princess Metlerniefi appealed as a swallow She wore a robe of brownish gray velvet with a behind exactly imitating the expan ded tall of the bird a swallow with outstretched wings parched on each shoulder and another on 1 the top of her head Two oilier persons most TERMS ADVERTISING V1GIIT LINKS OR LK8S MAKS A saflARB 1 I 3 5LILI TiioTsaoo I S3so 1 $500 $800 000 000 I 1UUV 800 I 1000 I 1200 "iojob 1200 I 1500 "lljjoo 1500 2000 "1500 2000 3000 "2500 I 3000 6000 Yearly advertising changeable quarterly without extra ex pense to advertiser If changed oftenerto be charged for Composition at 40 cents per thousand emu Special notices calling attention to business ten cents per line Advertisem*nts ordered to be inserted by taw to be ed as legal advertisem*nts Announcing candidates for office One Dollar to subscribers and Two Dollars to non subscribers the money to accom pany the notice AU trans lent advertisem*nts must be paid for in ad vance or 25 per cent will be added to the price Business Cards not exceeding five lines $6 per annum Marriage and Obituary notices not exceeding five lines in erted gratis all excess above five lineswillbeehargeda usual rates Notices for religious and lienevolent purposes not exceed ng five lines 25 cents each MILLINERY ANCY STORE MIf MURI OB 0 has just received at the New Millinery and ancy Store on South Main street one door South of Glenn House urn ishing Store a new and splendid stock of ANCY AND DRY GOODS CONSISTING Of Dress Goods and Trimmings Gloves and Hosiery Eadies and Ghild Shoes Iloop Sklrts of all Also Ralmoral Skirts lor Siunnu near SHAWLS BONNETS HA fS 1IAD hhESSES NETTS COMBS and a full assortnont of YANKEE NOTIONS too nurnernns to mention Call and examine my stock All kinds of JHLLINLRY done to order In the neatest and most fashionable manner A Iso will be found a full assortment of MILLINERY GOOD8 March 311861 MUMORD CITIZEN AND GAZETTE IS rt amsniD bverv THtmsor ar JOS LI As AXT ON rfflc in Second Story of BuMlng South East Comer of the Public Square TERMS SUBSCRIPTION One copy 1 year in advance $150 JU CIGARS 0 i SNUT 'll 7 AT px 1 ix III BOOT Removal Wanted 'J Kt 1 I i ma 1 2 Squares 1 250 450 Squares1 350 (iOO 4 Squares 500 800 Column C00 1600 Wcolum77j 966 I 12700 1 Column 1500 2000.

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